“Is Your Direction Right?”

“Is Your Direction Right?”



Having faith is not a onetime event in one’s life, and it is not a state of moral perfection that only a few can attain. Faith is a dynamic lifelong journey that each of us as Christians are on. At any given time we are either moving toward God or away from Him.

The people in Jeremiah’s day were under God’s judgment because they turned away from Him – they went backward not forward. (Jeremiah 7:24). Rather than cultivate a growing relationship with God based on sustained faithfulness, they went their own direction following their evil hearts direction. (7:23-24).Let’s not let that be true of us. The only way to make progress on our journey of faith is to keep moving toward God, following His word. We will fail sometimes but we must get up and turn back toward God and not away from Him. Paul described this in his own personal experience; forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to the things ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Prayer Requests:_______________________________________________________________________


