“Places of Refuge”

“Places of Refuge”


BIBLE READING: Numbers 34-36             

As we end our journey through the book of Numbers, we see a different side of God from what we saw in His execution of vengeance on the Midianites.   Before the Children of Israel enter the land of promise, God has a few more instructions to give them. After they enter the land, they were to choose cities which will give a person who had killed another person unintentionally a place to flee from those who would want to avenge the death of their relative. When I read about the cities which God established as a refuge for those who unintentionally killed any person, I am again reminded of the graciousness of God. God is a God of Justice and vengeance as we saw in Numbers 31, but He is also a kind and compassionate God. In His laws for the Children of Israel, He offered ways in which His people would be protected from those who sought out vengeance. The relatives of the person who died had the right to take vengeance upon the one who killed their relative (Exodus 21:23-ff). If the death was an accident, the killer could flee to the nearest city of refuge. There his case would be heard by the high priest who was presiding. If the person was, indeed, found to be innocent he could live, as long as he stayed within the walls of the city, until the death of the high priest. The Bible continually tells us that God is our Refuge. Psalm 46:1 reminds us, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble . I like the phrase, “a very present help”. We do not have to flee to a city of refuge, because God, our Refuge, is always present with us. We do not have an impersonal God who is too busy to care about the daily needs of His children. Instead, He is available 24/7 to lead, comfort, and guide His children. I encourage you to think of Numbers 35 and Numbers 36 and be reminded today, that, as a true believer, your Refuge is right there beside you wherever you go this day.              -Adapted
