
            As David returned from hiding out in the mountains for fear of Absalom, there was one man that David wanted to see.  You see, as David was away there were several people, like Shimei and Sheba, that were detractors of his; but there was at least one man who was willing to help.  Barzillai, the Gileadite met the King as he crossed over the Jordan.  He was eighty years old, but while the king was gone, he continued serving him as best as he could by providing him with food.  As a reward to him for his service and love for the King, David offers him an opportunity of a life time.  As a repayment for his kindness, David wants Barzillia to come and live with him in Jerusalem. David guarantees that he will be well taken care of the rest of his days on the earth for the kindness he shown David.  Respectfully, Barzillia refuses, but just considered it as fulfilling his duty.  There is tremendous parallel in this story for us today.  Our King, Jesus, has been gone away from this earth for some time, but make no mistake; He is planning on a return.  When He does return, I pray that He finds us like David found Barzillia; continually working in His kingdom.  If He does, we will get the same offer that Barzillia got, but on a much grander scale.  When the Lord returns, will you be invited home with the King?  Our actions while He is away will certainly dictate that answer.                                            

Prayer Requests:_______________________________________________________________

