“Allow our weakness to be His strength”

“Allow our weakness to be His strength”


By the age of 5, Beethoven was playing the violin

under the tutelage of his father—also an accomplished musician. By the time he

was 13, he was a concert organist. During his lifetime, he wrote nine majestic

symphonies and five concertos for piano, not to mention numerous pieces of

chamber music. Beethoven was not, however, a stranger to difficulties. During

his twenties, he began to lose his hearing. His fingers “became thick,” he said

on one occasion. He couldn’t feel the music as he once had. His hearing problem

haunted him in the middle years of his life, but he kept it a well-guarded

secret. When he reached his fifties, Beethoven was deaf. All of us make excuses

at some point in our lives. We are too busy, too young, too old, not equipped,

not trained or even worse not motivated. Beethoven is a wonderful example of

someone who would not let his circumstances dictate his success.

We all have weaknesses, limitations, legitimate

reasons to not do some of the things that we need to be doing. Maybe we should

all be more apt to allow our weakness to be His strength. By our limitations,

the world will be able to see just how mighty and wonderful our God really is.


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