“Showing Love-Fruit of the Spirit”

“Showing Love-Fruit of the Spirit”





this week we will concentrate on two verses written to the Galatians by the

Apostle Paul.   Many could recite the

fruits of the Spirit mentioned by Paul in Galatians, but do we really know

“how” to bear these fruits of the Spirit in our everyday lives?  This week, we will highlight one of the

fruits each day and give practical advice as to how you can show these fruits

to others.  Showing these fruits to

others is much more impactful than telling someone about them.   


first fruit Paul mentions is Love.  Love

is an intense feeling of affection.  The

best definition of love comes from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 where Paul tells us

love is patient, kind, not easily angered, etc.   When we want to know how to show love to

others, we need to think of how we like to be shown love.  Some simple examples of showing love could

be: text someone to tell them you missed them at church, send a card of

encouragement to a friend for no occasion other than to tell them how much they

mean to you, or sit by someone at church that normally sits alone.  Simple acts can have a big impact.