Posts from 2023 (Page 3)
“Is there Joy in your Heart?”
DISCUSSION: There are so many things going on in this world today that it is easy to let worry have more room in our heart than happiness. In the medical world, we are constantly being reminded of the preventive medicine we need. Unlike 60 years ago when health only entered our minds when we got sick, today we are told continually of so much that can happen…
“Prepare for Happiness”
DISCUSSION: Just recently we have seen the devastation that can result from hurricanes, earthquakes, and fire. According to the show on National Geographic channel “Doomsday Preppers” there are a lot of people over the country stocking up on supplies in the hope of being able to survive (months) a natural disaster or power grid failure. Many agree with this philosophy. Who could argue that…
DISCUSSION: Do you see the glass half full or half empty? The glass holds the exact same amount of water, yet our attitude determines our point of view toward making the decision. The answer to this familiar question is used to determine if a person has a positive or negative attitude. There is not a lot of science in this method, but the point is our attitude is…
“The joy of salvation”
DISCUSSION: In Psalms 51, after David had sinned with Bathsheba and had her husband killed, David asked God to create in him a clean heart, to take away the guilt of his sin, and to restore the joy of salvation. By making bad choices, David had lost all joy of living. As Christians, we also are faced with many temptations and…
“What makes you happy?”
DISCUSSION: If you watch TV or read social media you will see that there are thousands of things designed to make you happy. So, it should be easy to find happiness, shouldn’t it? I think the fact is that nothing in this world will bring us happiness. We have to choose to be happy regardless of what is going on in our lives. Solomon said,…
“God wants us to be happy”
DISCUSSION: The Bible tells us in Proverbs 17:22, Happiness is good medicine, but sorrow is a disease. If we don’t constantly work on having a good attitude and think on good things (Philippians 4:8), instead of feeling happy and energetic, happiness is likely to get lost in our busy lives. Without happiness life can feel pretty empty and meaningless. Poor health will follow in a life without joy. As Christians, we have a big reason…
DISCUSSION: A teenage boy, Jack, is riding his aging bicycle down the road when he is pulled over by one of his friends, Tom. Tom was sporting a new car. As he exited the car he told Jack that it was a gift from his brother. He continued to show all of the extras the car had and how plush the insides were. Jack was taken aback by the costly gift Tom’s…
“The Paper Boy”
DISCUSSION: There is a short story that is told about a young paper boy. It’s said that an older man was on his way to work one morning and he heard this young voice calling out, “Morning Paper, Get Your Morning Paper.” It was a cold rainy day in November and as he looked up, he saw this thinly clad young boy, shivering in…
“The Appeal of the Forbidden”
DISCUSSION: V.6 – So when the woman saw that the tree was pleasing to the eyes … she took of its fruit. The story is told about a young child that was being cared for by a baby sitter while the mother worked in the office of her home. When the child saw this beautiful vase in the china cabinet, he wanted it. When the baby sitter refused to…
DISCUSSION: Many times we are so very short-sighted, placing greater value on the pleasures of this life, than on the glories of the future life in heaven. I can’t say we all do it but I do know that it is all too easy to be caught up in the thoughts and cares of daily living and just forget about God. We invest our time and our talents in acquiring…
“Finding Truth”
DISCUSSION: Verse 4 of 1 Timothy 1 says, “Give no heed to fables and endless genealogies, which cause disputes.” The truth about babies: A new mother said, but we need our rest. So, we started him on formula so he’ll sleep through the night. Sounds logical right? We’ve been told this for years by our parents or others we love and respect. The problem…
“Life After Death”
DISCUSSION: In Psalm16, David rejoices that the life God gives cannot be canceled by the grave. But generally speaking, the Old Testament offers little insight into life after death, but here David’s faith carries him to a deeper understanding. The apostles Peter and Paul understand this psalm as prophesying about the resurrection of Jesus. (See Acts 2:25-28, 13:35-37). Because of the resurrection of Jesus, David…