Posts from June 2023 (Page 3)

Posts from June 2023 (Page 3)

“He Knows Our Hearts”

  I had knee surgery a few years ago. On the way home, I was really hungry. The problem was, I had taken a lot of medicine and it was hard to stay awake. I asked my wife to stop on the way home and get me a hamburger from my favorite place. When she went in to order, there was a knock on the window of the car. I remember rolling the window down and talking to someone. I…

“Safety with God”

  In recent years there seems to have been an outbreak of public shootings against the innocent. Whether it be at a government building, a movie theater, or a school, the question has been raised is, are we safe? The thought behind the question is had there been protocols, legislations, or other things in place ahead of time would that protect us or even prevent these things from happening to us where we live? I may not be able to…