I hate conflict, especially when the conflict is over something small and petty.  Regardless of my hatred for it, I still have to deal with it.  Paul, in Romans 7, explains the conflict that exists within the life of a believer.  He says that the very thing he wishes to do, is the very thing that he finds himself not doing.  Not only is there that, but the thing he despises is the very thing he does.  This is called the dual nature of man, meaning that there is a constant war that exists between my spiritual and my physical beings.  This is not only a problem that I have, but it is something that we all struggle with daily.  That is what makes David’s comments in Psalm 133 so special to me, “…how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell in unity together” (Psalm 133.1).  Unity is the exact opposite of conflict, so how can beings that are in constant conflict within themselves dwell in unity with each other?  I think it comes from an understanding that my brothers (and sisters) in Christ are all struggling within themselves.  As we gather together we form some type of community that knows that we are all struggling with this together, giving us some peace and unity.  We have this unity because we all know and understand that Jesus Christ accepts us, no matter how difficult our struggle might be.  In my mind (one that hates conflict), I find it reassuring that I am not alone in my efforts to live a perfected life for Christ.  In fact, I have someone that is praying for me and my struggles, as well as, I have Him interceding to the Father for me.  The blood of Jesus gives me peace and unity, even in the midst of the most conflicting of conflicts .

Prayer Requests:_______________________________________________________________


