“Showing Joy-Fruit of the Spirit”

“Showing Joy-Fruit of the Spirit”





Philippians 4:4 Paul writes “Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it

again: rejoice!”  Often time joy is

mistaken for happiness, but there is a definite difference.  Joy is much deeper than happiness.  Joy is rooted in God and comes from Him.  Happiness is a fleeting thought or an

emotion.  Joy is knowing that our

strength comes from God and that He is in control regardless of our earthly

situation.  We can show joy in our lives

when bad things happen to us.  When life

becomes difficult or hard, many people give up or abandon their faith and

cannot praise God in the bad times as well as the good times.  During these life struggles, go to worship,

go to Bible class, go to a home Bible study, read and study the Bible and

anytime someone asks where your strength comes from, you can proudly say “from

God,” with a smile.  Simple acts can have

a big impact.


