“Praying for our Relationships”

“Praying for our Relationships”


BIBLE READING: Genesis 24-25


                Several years ago, a co-worker of mine introduced me to “echo”.  “Echo” is a prayer app for your phone that allows you to insert various things you need to pray about. At random times during the day you might hear a simple bleep or buzz to remind you to take just a moment to pray for that certain thing.  I will have to admit, I do not use it as much as I used to.  However, I did set up one specific reminder that still goes off about 11:06 every day.  At exactly 11:06, I receive a phone notification to pray for my children’s future spouses.  If you have children, it is never too early to begin praying for those people that will marry your children.  As a dad, it is very important to me that my children select spouses that will help and not hinder their spiritual growth.  That is why I feel like I can relate to Abraham in Genesis 24.  After patiently (or maybe not patiently) waiting for Isaac to be born, it is now time for him to find a wife.  In preparation, Abraham sent out his servant to begin the search for Isaac’s new bride.  You know he and Sarah must have spent hours in discussion and prayer as they were seeking divine guidance for Isaac’s future.  Abraham knew that if Isaac found a wife among the Canaanites, it would make his path to follow God more difficult.  He and Sarah knew that relationships could be tumultuous, but as long as both parties had a solid faith in God, they could endure.  Genesis 24 reveals to us that Abraham and his servants were seeking God’s guidance as they sought a wife for Isaac.  This is not just specific to the marriage relationship either, all relationships are much easier when both sides live Godly lives.  Maybe we need to all set reminders to help us remember to pray for all of our relationships.  The more we seek God’s direction, the more likely He will provide.
