“More on work and family”

“More on work and family”



Many find out the hard way that success in careers doesn’t necessarily translate to success in personal and family life. David’s life gives us an illustration of that. While his position and stature as the future king grew stronger and stronger, his family life was headed for a lot of trouble. Evidence of that is seen by David having six sons born in Hebron by six different wives, which may be an indication David was strengthening his political ties through marriage, not uncommon for ancient kings. But, we see that in David’s case it wasn’t good. Not only did David’s polygamy violate the law (Deuteronomy. 17:17), but it lead to a lot of problems as he tried to blend his various families together, as we will see with David’s children,  Amnom , Tamar and Absalom further into 2 Samuel. Also, David’s example to Solomon concerning marriage wasn’t good as he ended up with700 wives who turned Solomon’s heart away from God.

The choices we make to further our careers can sometimes do lasting damage to our immediate family and even our descendants. Being successful in both family and career is doable but we must set the right priorities on each and always live our lives in a way that pleases God.

Prayer Requests:_______________________________________________________________

