
            It is easy to admire Walt Disney World for the level of customer service they provide.  Whether you are a fan of the place, or the company, or not, it is amazing how well they know customer service.  In fact, they have training seminars where they can train other businesses how to perform well with customer service.  As large as Walt Disney World is and as many people that are there at one time, it can be easy for parents to lose children.  That can be a terrifying thing for a child (and a parent).  Imagine being lost in a large place, surrounded by strangers and not recognizing anyone familiar.  It doesn’t matter if it is the “happiest place on earth”.  That would be terrifying!  However, all “cast members” (employees) are trained to help, what they call, “Lost Parents”.  They have a specific set of guidelines that are followed in the event they find a child with lost parents, so they may help the child find his way back to them.

So often we’re walking along our Christian way with God, our Father, but we may tend to wander some.  Then, we look around and we can’t find Him.  We don’t know which way to turn.  We don’t know which decision to make.  Neither did David.  In Psalm 23, David was talking about walking through “the valley of the shadow of death.”  But, two Psalms later, he is asking God to help him find himself.  Verse 4 and 5 say, “Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths.  Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On you I wait all the day.”  Even when we’re lost in this world, and we don’t know what to do, or where to go, God knows exactly where He is, and where we are, and has given us the ability to find our way back to Him.

Prayer Requests:_______________________________________________________________

