“Listen & Don’t Forget”

“Listen & Don’t Forget”



        Have you ever tied a string around your finger to serve as a reminder of something?  The purpose of doing this, was to have the string serve as a symbol of what it is that you were not to forget.  The reason why this strategy is so faulty is that most of us forget what it was we tied the string for in the first place.   God knows that we are imperfect people.  He knows that as our days and life’s grows even busier than it already is, we tend to forget even the most important things.  In the case of the children of Israel, God knew that when life got to some sort of normalcy for them in Canaan, they would forget what all it took for them to get there.  To help them remember to never forget, he provided them with the Shema in Deuteronomy 6.4-5.  The word “shema” rendered in English comes out to “listen”.  This passage would become the daily prayer of the Israelites and later the Jews, to remind them of the events that took place within the Exodus. Christians today don’t have such a tradition, per say.  We do have the complete will of God revealed for us within His word, and by reading it we are “listening to God”.  I hope that as you continue your daily readings, they have become your way of never forgetting what God has done for, not just us, but to all of those people that continue to serve Him.

Prayer Requests:__________________________________________________________________



