

One of the most effective tools that Satan has within his tool box doesn’t involve cursing God, worshipping Satan or even getting us to do bad things. In fact, the most effective tool that the Devil has is distraction. He knows that any reasonable person can see that there is a God and the He is coming back to the earth to judge us according to how we have handled ourselves while here. But if he can just distract us for just a moment, we just might let our guard down, giving him an advantage. He tried this strategy on Jesus while He was fasting in the desert for forty days and nights. Satan knew if he could get Jesus to just get a little discombobulated, he might have a chance. So, Satan sought to distract Jesus by appealing to His physical side. “I bet you must be hungry?” he said. “I bet you could go and make these stones bread, couldn’t you?” Any one of us would have lost our focus and made us some bread, but Jesus did not allow Himself to get distracted. When we think about it, it is scary just how much damage can be done in seconds if we allow ourselves to lose focus. That is why Paul encourages us to “be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord…” (1Corinthians 15.58). You know how he works, you have been distracted before. How did he get you? Your assignment for the day; make a list of how Satan has distracted you in the past and use that list to make sure it doesn’t happen in the future. 

Prayer Requests: ____________________________________________________________
