“Bringing Your Offering”

“Bringing Your Offering”



      Numbers 7 is second, only to Psalm 119, in the longest chapter category.  Within these 89 verses we have a lengthy description of the dedication of the Tabernacle.  During this festival, each tribe was responsible for bringing an offering for use in the Tabernacle.  There were 12 tribes, so the festival lasted 12 days.  The offerings were given to the Tabernacle, but in essence they were given to God.  They did so because they loved and appreciated God for all that He had done for them and believed that He would follow through with His Promise to lead them into The Promise Land.  This relationship that God has with the Israelites was very special.  It was God who had been the initiator of the relationship.  The good news is that He continues to want to be the initiator of a relationship with His people. We repeatedly read in the New Testament when Jesus pleads to us to “Come to Me.”

·         “ Come to Me , all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”                                                                                                                                     Matthew 11:28

·         “But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children  come to Me , and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven’”                                                 Matthew 19:14

·         “On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him  come to Me  and drink”                                            John 7:37

If we choose to accept His offer, we must be willing to bring our offering to Him just as these tribes did.  What have you brought to God as your offering?  It may cost you a great deal, but the guarantee is out of this world.

PRAYER REQUESTS:_________________________________________________________________


