Church Blog (Page 40)

Church Blog (Page 40)

“A Fool Says…”

  DISCUSSION                                                    In 1966, Time Magazine produced a cover story entitled, “Is God Dead?”  Their thinking was that the discoveries of science were on pace to rule out the fact that there was a God in existence that created everything.  In that same year, Carl Sagan, a famous astronomer, hypothesized that there were 2 criteria needed for a planet to support life: 1. The right kind of star and 2. A planet the right distance from that…

“Mephibosheth & Me”

  DISCUSSION                                       Mephibosheth was the son of Saul, that was made crippled by the fall of Saul’s kingdom after his death.  In the process of time, David hears of Mephibosheth’s condition and seeks him out to bring him into the kingdom.  In those days, for political reasons, they would kill any offspring of the former king to ensure no one would rise to claim the throne.  However, David doesn’t seek Mephibosheth out to kill him; he…


  DISCUSSION                                                           It is easy to admire Walt Disney World for the level of customer service they provide.  Whether you are a fan of the place, or the company, or not, it is amazing how well they know customer service.  In fact, they have training seminars where they can train other businesses how to perform well…


  DISCUSSION                               Almost every morning you can stop by McDonalds in Killen to find a group of older gentlemen that are enjoying their coffee, solving the world’s problems and bragging on their kids and grandkids.  You can almost hear them, “My son was just promoted to President of his company.” “Really my grandson is fighting for our country in Afghanistan.”  Well, my son has just finished up his PHD and is opening up his own practice.” …


  DISCUSSION               As with the case of Uzzah, being an example of someone who did not respect the law of the Lord, in Psalms 1-2, we have a description of someone who does.  The first of the recorded Psalms is one that describes someone who “delights in the Law of the Lord”.  The word “delight” refers to something that is considered “pleasurable, desired and valued” (Vines).  When one feels that way about God’s laws, they desire to know…


  DISCUSSION There is an old saying that says “no good deed goes unpunished”.  The meaning of this ancient proverb is that under many circumstances a good deed often goes under appreciated or is met with a degree of hostility. In 2 Samuel 6, Uzzah reaches out his hand to stabilize the ark and keep it from falling and being damaged and then is struck down dead by God for an act of disobedience.  On the surface it looks as…


  DISCUSSION                                                        As Jesus preaches, what we refer to as the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7, there has always been a part within the beatitude section that intrigued me.  As a child, when I would read aloud the Beatitudes, I was never able to quite understand what it meant to be “pure in heart” or “merciful”…


  DISCUSSION                I hate conflict, especially when the conflict is over something small and petty.  Regardless of my hatred for it, I still have to deal with it.  Paul, in Romans 7, explains the conflict that exists within the life of a believer.  He says that the very thing he wishes to do, is the very thing that he finds himself not doing.  Not only is there that, but the thing he despises is the…

“ God’s Impeccable Timing”

  DISCUSSION                                    Have you ever wondered why God did this to David?  Shortly after David kills Goliath, God anoints him King over all of Israel. There is however a major hurdle in the way of David taking the throne; Saul is still on it.  It had been excruciating for David to have been anointed as King of Israel, yet have to suffer all that he had for so many years waiting on Saul to…

“Bless The LORD, Oh My Soul”

  DISCUSSION                         “Bless the LORD, oh my soul, oh my soul.  Worship His holy name. Sing like never before, oh my soul.  I’ll worship your holy name”.  Those words are the opening line of the song “10,000 Reasons”.  The point of the hymn is to remind us of all the reasons we must be compelled to worship God.  Although I am not sure what necessarily inspired the author in his efforts to write…

“Are you ready for old age?”

  DISCUSSION                                     What are your feelings about old age? Everyone reading this either knows someone old (senior citizen) or is one. The Psalms speak in several places about the kind of life the aged live. Psalms 92:14 tells us that some will still be bearing fruit. Psalms also tells us some may feel weak and useless as they age. What is the difference? Verses 12 and 13 tell us one reason may…

“It’s Up to You”

  DISCUSSION                                               From time to time, in Exodus, the Levites had the responsibility of being in charge of the elements of Israel’s religious life. At first they were primarily responsible for the tabernacle, the mobile worship center. Later, they took on additional responsibilities for teaching among the tribes in certain designated Levitical cities. Once the ark of covenant was relocated to Jerusalem, after David was in power as king, the Levities duties…